I like a drink. I mean, I REALLY like a drink. Very little makes me happier than rugby and beers with my friends or wine with a Sunday roast.
But recently I told a doctor what my alcohol intake is and was promptly sent for a liver test and scan (don’t drink heavily for more than 20 years, kids).
I was fortunately given the all-clear – but told to cut down. I decided to take it as a bit of a wake-up call and reduce my boozing.
That said, I still enjoy drinking and decided to see how well CBD could tackle the dreaded hangover.
My hangovers have always been quite vicious, even as a younger man. In my 20s my friends seemed fine after a bite to eat and a few cups of tea, while I was wrapped in a sweaty duvet watching Murder She Wrote repeats.

I think using CBD the morning after gave me the most tangible benefit yet. I took a few drops after an unexpectedly and bizarrely boisterous charity quiz night and the effect was quickly noticeable.
The widely-reported anti-anxiety effect seemed to help counteract the dreaded ‘booze blues’, while my lurching stomach seemed to calm down thanks to the anti-nausea properties cannabidiol is reputed to have.
My headache wasn’t severe – I always gulp down water before I go to bed – but CBD seemed to help with that too.
Again, I have no idea how much of the benefit is down to the placebo effect, but after my experiences with anxiety and pain, this seemed to be the most effective use of CBD so far.
I must also point out the first 10ml bottle I had ran out (lasted about a month) and I moved onto a more expensive, seemingly higher quality brand.