HomeCBD & HempA Leaf Desk writer tries CBD oil

A Leaf Desk writer tries CBD oil

Last month I was interviewing the founder of a British CBD firm and he asked me whether I had tried taking CBD.

I was telling him I have suffered from anxiety and depression most of my life but still had not properly looked into the supplement as a treatment, despite working for a CBD and medical cannabis news website.

He was, perhaps understandably, flabbergasted.

After the interview I decided I would begin taking CBD and chronicle my experience with it over time. So here we are. Expect more updates in the coming months.

Week One:

I saw CBD oil was half price in a major high street chain in my hometown and wandered in. As the cashier bagged up the little bottle I gestured towards the empty shelf.

“Popular, is it?” I asked.

“I can’t tell you how much we sell,” she replied.

“Eh?” I responded, articulately.

She explained, apologetically, that staff can’t make any unsubstantiated claims about CBD’s health benefits – and saying how much the store sells could be tantamount to saying it is effective.

CBD oil
CBD oil has rocketed in popularity

Bemused, I settled on a 5% CBD food supplement, a couple of drops under the tongue to be taken 2-3 times a day.

I was unprepared for the strong taste of it. I have no idea why but I imagined it would be fairly neutral. I wasn’t prepared for it to taste so heavily of, well, weed. It’s something I’m still getting used to.

A minute or two after taking it I didn’t feel a lot, but I wasn’t expecting to. After all, it is not psychoactive like THC.

But after a few days of taking it I began to feel a lot calmer when confronted with situations that would have previously triggered anxiety. I also started to sleep better.

I have to be honest here and say I began to cut down on alcohol at roughly the same time, which has always improved my overall mood and sleep patterns.

Nonetheless, I was noticeably more grounded and happier. How much of this is down to a placebo effect I don’t know but It’ll be interesting to see how my CBD journey develops. I hope you join me.


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