HomeCannabisThai man wins competition taking 43 seconds for a joint roll

Thai man wins competition taking 43 seconds for a joint roll

A Thai man has managed to become the fastest joint-roller in Phuket, Thailand with a time of 43 seconds in a joint roll competition.

Ativat Janmuangthai beat the other cannabis enthusiasts in the Phuket Cannabis Cup competition, earning himself 5,000 Baht or $143.

The contest was organised to bring together the cannabis enthusiasts of the town so that they could share knowledge and opinions to help improve the cannabis industry, which is still in its early days within the nation.

As well as the joint roll competition, there was a battle between various cannabis strains to see which one was the best. Judges considered the cannabis strains by analysing appearance, THC levels, flavour and genetic profiles.

Thailand broke the mould of Southeast Asian countries by becoming the first to legalise cannabis last year. However, the process has not gone totally smoothly. There have been mixed messages and a lack of regulatory clarity.

The nation’s Health Minister warned any tourists coming to the country as for cannabis that they would not be welcome. There has been confusion for Thai citizens over what the law is for cannabis in the country. This has led to small local businesses struggling and being left in limbo.

There was hope that a new cannabis bill would ease such difficulties, but parliament failed to pass the draft bill, leaving Thailand with no constructive laws in place for cannabis.

Hopes remain that after the election on May 14, the new government will produce a new bill to regulate cannabis in the country.

Despite the initial struggles, there remains a strong belief that by legalising cannabis that Thailand’s economy will receive a considerable boost from the industry.

Janmuangthai will need to continue to practice if he is hopeful of battling it out on the world stage. The current world record holder states that their fastest ever joint rolled is just a mere seven seconds.


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