HomeNewsSentence of Brit caught smuggling CBD into Dubai upheld

Sentence of Brit caught smuggling CBD into Dubai upheld

A British woman caught smuggling 4.4kg of CBD oil at Dubai International Airport has had her 10-year sentence upheld.

The unnamed 31-year-old was arrested with 307 e-cigarette pods with CBD, as well as 1.4 grams of cocaine, in April.

She was sentenced to 10 years, a Dh50,000 fine ($13,600), and deportation after her stint in prison, reports Gulf News.

Her lawyer appealed the sentence, claiming she was unaware CBD was illegal in the United Arab Emirates, but the appeal was unsuccessful.

In September the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office warned travellers not to take CBD products to the UAE.

A section on travel advice states: “Some skincare products and E-cigarette refills may contain ingredients that are illegal in the UAE such as CBD oil.

“If found in possession of such products, they will be confiscated and you may face criminal charges.”

It adds: “UAE airports have excellent technology and security, so transiting passengers carrying even residual amounts of drugs may be arrested.”

Brigadier Eid Thani Hareb, director of the Anti-Narcotics Department at Dubai Police had earlier warned such cases are increasingly common.

In April he told the 14th Hemaya International Forum and Exhibition: “Marijuana oil or cannabidiol, known as CBD, is spreading in the first quarter of 2019.

“It can be used through vaping devices and we have witnessed a huge increase in the number of people being arrested this year in comparison to last.”

The UAE has strict penalties for trafficking, smuggling and possession of and sentences for drug trafficking can include the death penalty.


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