HomeIndustryReport finds government communication failures

Report finds government communication failures

A report by the Health and Social Care Committee has found that the UK government failed to properly communicate its stance on medicinal cannabis.

The conclusion of the special report also found the hopes of patients and their families who are waiting to receive treatment were unfairly raised over the decision to allow doctors to prescribe cannabis.

MPs on the committee said members of the public had a reasonable expectation to have immediate access to prescriptions following the change of law nine months ago which meant cannabis products could be legally prescribed to some patients.

From November 2018, the treatments were allowed to be prescribed by specialist doctors in distinct cases where other available medicines had proved unsuccessful.

The change of law came on the back of a public outcry after two youngsters with severe epilepsy had been denied access to cannabis oil.

The report also stated that the delays in communicating to the public meant that many products were still unlicensed, effectively holding back the UK’s rapidly-expanding cannabis industry.

Doctors too were receiving the ire of concerned patients and their families for not having enough information about the law change.


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