HomeNewsPastor gifts ministry to ex porn star to focus on weed

Pastor gifts ministry to ex porn star to focus on weed

A pastor who founded a church that treats porn addiction and helps performers leave the industry is handing over the reins to a former porn star so he can sell and promote cannabis to Christians.

Craig Gross, the founder of XXXchurch in Pasadena, California, is leaving the ministry in the hands of former porn star Brittni De La Mora and her husband Rich.

Gross’ new venture is Christian Cannabis, a website for Christians who use weed. He started advocating cannabis after discovering its medical benefits.

He wrote: “What if Christians were to begin understanding how something like cannabis could be used in beneficial ways to support their lives?”

“What if we were to entertain the idea that legality is not the equivalent of licentiousness, and neither must we demonize and condemn every single thing that we don’t quite understand?

“What if – rather than trading our feelings for platitudes and “should-bes” – we were to begin to better understand them?… That has been, in part, my experience… all from a plant.”

De La Mora (pictured with husband Richard), formerly known as Jenna Presley, spent nearly a decade in the porn industry but left after battling mental health and addiction issues.

In a statement, Gross said: “Through prayer earlier this year, I heard the Lord say, ‘Give XXXchurch to Brittni and Rich De La Mora to lead’.

“Brittni is a former porn star we met while she was still in the industry, and we fostered a relationship with her as she began hers with Christ.

“What God has done in her life in the last seven years is nothing short of a beautiful miracle.”


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