HomeCannabisMedical cannabis boosts quality of life, study reveals

Medical cannabis boosts quality of life, study reveals

Recently, the medicinal use of cannabis to alleviate symptoms of chronic diseases has gained traction. However, the plant’s historical stigma persists even after legalisation in numerous nations. A fresh study has shed light on the transformative impact of medical cannabis on patients’ quality of life.

The study centred around 100 patients, all of whom were receiving medical cannabis with each participant was asked to fill out a socio-demographic and clinical questionnaire as well as the SF-36 Health Survey scale – a standardised method for measuring quality of life.

From the results, a significant number of patients using medical cannabis for neurological disorders, which constituted 58% of the study’s cohort, witnessed noteworthy improvements.

A staggering 96% reported symptom reduction, and 68% saw an uptick in energy and vitality.

Moreover, 88% found an enhanced ability to execute professional responsibilities, while sleeping and appetite improved for 79% and 71% of participants respectively.

Interestingly, those on medical cannabis for extended periods highlighted even greater enhancements in energy, vitality, mental well-being, and overall health – findings that were statistically significant.

In terms of the social implications, the study also found a supportive familial environment. 85% of these patients had opened up to their families about their medical cannabis use and were met with a high level of support, at 93%.

However, 81% of participants opted to keep their treatment concealed from the broader social circle.

The study concludes with an appeal to health professionals, emphasising the importance of comprehensive knowledge about medical cannabis.

Such understanding can significantly elevate the planning and execution of personalised nursing care, ensuring patients reap the maximum therapeutic benefits from their treatment.

Within the UK, medicinal cannabis is legal on an NHS prescription, but many still citizens are being forced to go to private clinics. In the USA, medicinal cannabis is legal in 38 states.


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