An online CBD marketplace has unveiled genetic analysis technology to offer detailed product recommendations to shoppers. has partnered with Strain Genie, which produces personalised CBD health reports by analysing customers’ genetic data, collected through their own test kit or via DNA testing companies.
The report has product recommendations and dosage information for consumers based on the findings.
Strain Genie founder Nicco Reggente said: “We created Strain Genie to help CBD users, regardless of their needs, avoid the ‘trial and error’ approach to find the best products and delivery methods to fit their needs.

“Partnering with a trusted global online marketplace like was a sure-fire way to make sure we could help as many consumers as possible to find the right CBD for their body and mind.”
Strain Genie provides a genetic analysis service that looks at more than 450 biomarkers to a ‘comprehensive and personalised’ CBD Report.
Strain Genie’s reports claims to outline how a consumer’s body should metabolically respond to CBD and provide data-driven recommendations for other cannabinoids and terpenes found in CBD products.
The CBD Report contains information about an individual’s predisposition to different conditions and connects consumers to cannabinoids, terpenes, and products that ‘peer-reviewed literature has shown to be effective in supporting general wellness’.