HomeMedicalCannabis prescriptions held back by lack of clinical trials

Cannabis prescriptions held back by lack of clinical trials

The UK appeared to be changing its stance on medical cannabis, with the government agreeing to make cannabis prescriptions more available. This move came after the case of Alfie Dingley – a child suffering from epilepsy so severe that only medical cannabis could minimise his seizures – shocked the nation. 

However after families began to raise their hopes and expectations about access to medical cannabis, there appears to be little movement. Due to a lack of clinical trials that prove the benefits the drug has on conditions such as epilepsy, many doctors aren’t willing to prescribe medical cannabis. 

Dr. Amir Englund warned that “a number of patients with epilepsy become seizure-free on medical grade CBD, however, this only happens to roughly 5% of patients.” 

It appears that a change in policy has not led to a change in practice. There have since been calls for research proposals that could be funded by the National Institute for Healthcare Excellence. It’s recommended that severe childhood epilepsy will be a priority. 

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