An analysis of UK CBD consumer products revealed many are contaminated with illegal levels of THC, CBN (cannabinol) and harmful impurities.
TTS Pharma Limited, a producer of cannabinoids for use in food, cosmetics and nutraceuticals, engaged an independent analytical laboratory – Fera Science Ltd – to undertake a series of tests on of 31 CBD products currently available on the UK high street.
Of the samples tested, the results revealed CBN and/or THC in almost half – most of which were above the legal limit.
The lab also found nine of the thirteen samples contained CBN, and four were above the 1mg legal limit.
“The implications of such a rapidly growing market, being flooded with illegal products, cannot be ignored”
Mark Tucker, CEO of TTS Pharma
Less than half (thirteen of the samples tested) were within 10% of the stated level of CBD and four samples contained less than 50% of the level stated. A total of five exceeded the level stated.
Mark Tucker, CEO of TTS Pharma, said: “All of our independent analyses demonstrate an urgent need for greater regulatory control of currently available CBD products to safeguard consumers from making product choices which ultimately may be risking their health.
“The fact that all CBD products in the UK are imported as currently no-one has been granted a Home Office licence to harvest CBD in this country, means greater enforcement of regulations to ensure suppliers of CBD products can account for the provenance and quality of their ingredients, is vital.
“The implications of such a rapidly growing market, being flooded with illegal products, cannot be ignored.”

He added: “Without high standards of analysis and the required Certificate of Origin and Certificate of Analysis, consumers cannot be sure that the product is safe.”
A press release states the analysis shows TTS Pharma’s CBD oil is free from THC and CBN as well as harmful environmental contaminants and confirms that it is exempt from the Misuse of Drugs Regulations (UK Government 2001).
Mr Tucker added: “We are committed to creating the purest CBD oils and isolates, setting standards over and above current regulation to raise the bar in CBD product production.”