HomeCBD & HempCBD tampon inspired by Diary of Anne Frank

CBD tampon inspired by Diary of Anne Frank

A UK company behind CBD-infused tampons was partially inspired by the writings of Anne Frank.

Valentina Milanova the founder and CEO of Daye, says the passages about menstruation in the Jewish Holocaust victim’s Diary Of A Young Girl altered the way she saw women’s reproductive health.

In her famous, heart-breaking diary Frank, who died aged 15 at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany, wrote about both her pain and delight when she got her period.

“I think that what’s happening to me is so wonderful,” she wrote, along with “So even though it’s a nuisance, in a certain way I’m always looking forward to the time when I’ll feel that secret inside me once again.”

Milanova, 25, told Forward: “When I was 13 and first read her diary I remember being deeply impressed that someone could hold a positive view on menstruation – it changed my perspective on it.”

Daye claims its tampons reduce menstrual pain and is currently seeking approval to sell the product in the US and Europe.

The company claims CBD is much safer than over-the-counter painkillers, and the vaginal canal has the highest concentration of cannabinoid receptors, making it the best place to absorb the compound.

Daye’s tampons have a CBD concentration of 30% for maximum pain relief.

As the website states: “While most CBD products currently on the market only contain an average of 5% CBD, we know from independent research and our own clinical trials that this amount is not sufficient when it comes to effective localised pain relief.”

The company plans to release its first period care product to London consumers in autumn, along with a female health and analytics app.


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