HomeCannabisBritain’s top cop calls Canada weed legalisation an ‘interesting experiment’

Britain’s top cop calls Canada weed legalisation an ‘interesting experiment’

Britain’s most senior police officer says the UK should watch Canada’s legalisation of recreational cannabis keenly.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick is trying to tackle a serious violent crime problem in London – much of it fuelled by the illicit trade in drugs.

In an interview on BBC Radio London’s Drive Time, she said legalisation was an “interesting experiment” that merits further study.

When asked about Canada by a listener, she said: “I think it is worth looking at what is happening in Canada and parts of the United States, albeit we have to recognise culturally that is very different.

“As a citizen, my own view is almost certainly if we were to legalise immediately here, we would come up with all kinds of problems that would not help, not least the health issues that would be associated.”

The Leaf desk recently reported how nearly half of people living in Scotland support legalising cannabis for adults, according to a survey by the Times.

A total of 47% support the legalisation of the class B drug, with 37% opposed and 17% unsure.

And in July it was revealed that twice as many British adults now support the legalisation of cannabis than oppose it.

In the UK, cannabis is a class B drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, which means it’s illegal to have for yourself, give away or sell.

Possession is punishable by up to five years in prison, an unlimited fine or both, while supplying and producing it can land offenders inside for up to 14 years and/or an unlimited fine.

Patients can be prescribed medicinal cannabis containing THC by specialist doctors in the UK as of November 2018.


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